Topic: “Statement”

Posted in Announcements

UPDATED: AP statement on Israel’s shutdown of live shot

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press issued this statement Tuesday after the Israeli government shut down an AP live feed and seized AP equipment:

Posted in Announcements

AP statement on Ethiopia freelancer

, by Lauren Easton

UPDATED March 18, 2022: Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Julie Pace issued this statement about AP-accredited freelance journalist Amir Aman Kiyaro, who today appeared in court in Ethiopia and continues to be detained:

Posted in Announcements

AP statement on meeting with Israeli ambassador

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press issued this statement on Tuesday following a meeting on Monday with Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. and U.N. Gilad Erdan to discuss the destruction of the building that housed AP's Gaza bureau:

Posted in Announcements

UPDATED: AP statement on destruction of Gaza bureau

, by Lauren Easton

UPDATED May 17, 2021: AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt issued this statement on Monday regarding the destruction of AP's Gaza bureau:

Posted in Announcements

AP joins 2 dozen news organizations to protest DHS visa change

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press has joined two dozen news organizations in urging the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to drop its planned change to how visas for foreign journalists are managed.

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