Here is the joint statement:
A proposal to change the way the U.S. manages visas for foreign journalists threatens to seriously jeopardize the exercise of journalistic freedom. We, the undersigned, urge the Department of Homeland Security to drop this proposal.The “I visa” is required for all foreign journalists operating in the U.S., whether they are there for one week or five years. Once issued it is valid for up to five years, allowing journalists to work there continuously or travel in and out of the U.S. for assignments. The proposal by the Department of Homeland Security to limit the visa to 240 days, with a possible extension of a maximum of 240 days, would seriously impact the work of the foreign media in covering the news in the U.S. Furthermore, the proposal is unclear about how the decision about a possible extension would be reached and what would happen after the extension period has elapsed.Many foreign news organizations have a permanent presence in the U.S. by sending correspondents there for a number of years (commonly 2-5 years). This period of time allows the individual journalists to better understand the country and therefore better report on it to the rest of the world. Restricting the time they could stay to a maximum duration of 480 days carries a substantial risk to how the U.S. is represented globally.Moreover, we do not agree that this proposal will achieve the ambitions stated: to encourage program compliance, reduce fraud and enhance national security. The I visa application process already requires the individual to name and be supported by the international media organization they work for and is only valid as long as they continue to work for that organization.The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is the backbone to its reputation for freedom of speech and of the press. This proposal is a serious threat to that and risks damaging the U.S.’s reputation globally as a free and open democracy, as well as reducing the opportunity for the world to better understand the U.S.We, the undersigned, remain firmly committed to delivering accurate and unbiased news reporting for a global audience. We therefore ask the U.S. administration to continue to support a sustainable framework safeguarding media freedom.SIGNATORIESTony Hall, President, European Broadcasting UnionMichael McEwen, Director General, North American Broadcasters AssociationVincent Peyrègne, Chief Executive Officer, World Association of Newspapers and News PublishersCherilyn Ireton, Executive Director World Editors Forum, World Association of Newspapers and News PublishersAnthony Bellanger, General Secretary, International Federation of JournalistsMichael Friedenberg, President, ReutersSally Buzbee, Executive Editor, The Associated PressPhil Chetwynd, Global News Director, Agence France-PresseBrodie Fenlon, Editor-in-Chief, CBC NewsWendy Freeman, President, CTV NewsIrene Gentle, Editor-in-Chief, Toronto StarRicardo Gutierrez, General Secretary, European Federation of JournalistsWilliam Horsley, Media Freedom Representative, Association of European JournalistsJuan Carlos Isaza-Montejo, Managing Director, Alianza Informativa LatinoamericanaBrent Jolly, President, Canadian Association of JournalistsLuce Julien, General Manager, News and Current Affairs, Radio-CanadaIlias Konteas, Executive Director, European Magazine Media Association & European NewspaperPublishers' AssociationSimon Marks, President & Chief Correspondent, Feature Story NewsAngela Mills Wade, Executive Director, European Publishers CouncilAndrew Moger, Executive Director, News Media CoalitionJessica Ní Mhainín, Senior Policy Research and Advocacy Officer, Index on CensorshipWout van Wijk, Executive Director, News Media EuropeAdrian Wells, Managing Director, European News ExchangeLeon Willems, Director of Policy & Programmes, Free Press Unlimited