Search results for: “travel”

Posted in Announcements

AP wins 3 Overseas Press Club awards

, by Lauren Easton

Reporting on the exodus of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, the collapse of the Islamic State group in Mosul, Iraq, and human rights abuses in Yemen has earned AP journalists three prestigious awards from the Overseas Press Club of America.

Posted in Announcements

Coverage of Brazil and Rohingya earn AP staffers National Headliner Awards

, by Lauren Easton

Reporting on horrifying violence across Brazil and the plight of Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar earned AP journalists top honors in the National Headliner Awards, announced today by the sponsoring Press Club of Atlantic City.

Posted in Announcements

Gillesby, Laub appointed to AP leadership roles

, by Bryan Baldwin

AP has appointed an experienced video manager and a longtime foreign correspondent to key leadership roles overseeing all journalists in two critical news regions.

Posted in Announcements

Anna Johnson named news director for Europe, Africa

, by Lauren Easton

AP Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced a key appointment Thursday: Anna Johnson, currently news director for the U.S. West, will direct coverage of Europe and Africa.

Posted in Industry Insights

AP journalists accept Pulitzer Prize for Yemen coverage

, by Patrick Maks

At a luncheon at Columbia University in New York on Tuesday, the AP journalists who documented torture, corruption and starvation in Yemen’s civil war accepted a Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. 

Posted in Behind the News

Data illuminates marijuana legalization impact

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano recounts how members of AP’s marijuana beat team created a first-of-its-kind national database of medical marijuana trends and revealed how the legalization of pot has often hurt medical marijuana users:

Posted in Behind the News

Honoring 2 fallen AP journalists

, by Patrick Maks

The Associated Press honored on Wednesday two journalists who died because of their work for AP.

Posted in Announcements

AP announces East, West Africa appointments

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff on Wednesday, News Director for Europe and Africa Anna Johnson announced two appointments in Africa:

Posted in Behind the News

‘A sign of the times’: How I got that shot

, by Patrick Maks

During an assignment on Tuesday covering the LNU Lightning Complex fires in Northern California, photographer Noah Berger captured a gripping AP image of flames surrounding a COVID-19 safety sign at a senior center.

Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the election: Campaign coverage from all 50 states

, by Patrick Maks

AP’s extensive and fact-based coverage of the 2020 presidential election will be as deep as it is broad.

With political reporters based in key states around the country – and reporters on the ground in all 50 U.S. states – AP journalists are taking a hard look at the core issues affecting voters.

Posted in Announcements

AP joins 2 dozen news organizations to protest DHS visa change

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press has joined two dozen news organizations in urging the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to drop its planned change to how visas for foreign journalists are managed.

Posted in Announcements

Updates to AP’s Middle East team

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff today, Middle East News Director Karin Laub announced changes to the team that covers the region in all formats:

Posted in Announcements

AP wins 2 RFK Journalism Awards

, by Patrick Maks

An investigation exposing widespread abuse in the palm oil industry and searing photos of Ethiopians fleeing war earned The Associated Press two Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards on Thursday.

Posted in Announcements

AP video recognized for excellence in international coverage

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press has been nominated for two Royal Television Society Television Journalism Awards, including one nomination for its international news coverage of Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

Posted in Announcements

Aritz Parra named Southern Europe news director

, by Nicole Meir

In a memo to staff, AP News Director for Europe and Africa James Jordan announced that Aritz Parra is the new news director for Southern Europe: