Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools localized Trump’s travel ban

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by State Government Editor Tom Verdin describes how, in the chaotic days that followed President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration, a data journalist helped AP member news organizations and customers “localize a story of international significance”:

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Posted in Behind the News

What we fact-check and why

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff Tuesday, Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski reviewed AP’s general fact-checking policies:

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Posted in Behind the News

A multiformat view of U.S. political scene

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Chris Sullivan, editor of AP's national reporting team, describes how AP’s presence across the country allowed staffers in all formats to provide a “unique window” into the U.S. political climate ahead of President Donald Trump’s inauguration:

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Posted in Industry Insights

Learning from voter survey experiments

, by Lauren Easton

Leading up to the November election, AP worked with GfK Custom Research and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago to examine new ways to survey voters.

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Posted in Behind the News

'I want to be with Carrie': Confirming the Reynolds and Fisher deaths

, by Lauren Easton

When actress Carrie Fisher died and her mother Debbie Reynolds passed a day later, AP was determined to confirm the news.

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