Posted in Behind the News

When is it OK to use anonymous sources?

, by John Daniszewski

To strengthen the trust of our audiences around the world and to meet our own values, we long ago set tough rules on attribution and on the use of anonymous sources.

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Posted in Announcements

Three journalists named to senior news leadership team

, by Lauren Easton

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced today three key appointments: Noreen Gillespie is the new Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News, Sarah Nordgren becomes the new Deputy Managing Editor for Sports, Business News, Entertainment and Lifestyles, and Health and Science, and Lisa Gibbs is the new Director of News Partnerships.

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Posted in Announcements

AP names national news editor for beats

, by Lauren Easton

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee today announced a key appointment: Wendy Benjaminson is the new national news editor for beats.

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Posted in Announcements

AP statement on EPA-Dow Chemical meeting

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press issued this statement today from Executive Editor Sally Buzbee regarding a story published Tuesday about a meeting between EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the CEO of Dow Chemical:

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Posted in Behind the News

How to quantify gerrymandering? Reporters find a way

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski recounted how a team of AP journalists was able to measure the impact of gerrymandering, the drawing of legislative districts for one party’s benefit, in a “unique and accessible” -- and unprecedented -- way:

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