Posted in Behind the News

How to describe extremists who rallied in Charlottesville

, by John Daniszewski

UPDATED Aug. 16: We are adding “anti-Semitism” to the definition of “alt-right”; noting that the antifa movement that has been recently in the news actually has antecedents back to the 1930s; and adding some guidance on spelling and punctuation on the recently coined term “alt-left.” The post below includes these updates.

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal patchwork of justice for juvenile lifers

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski detailed how a 50-state investigation on inmates sentenced as juveniles to life without parole broke through an especially busy White House news cycle to provide "an important public service":

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporter persists to produce exclusive interview with tractor-trailer trafficking survivor

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo from Managing Editor Brian Carovillano describes how a reporter equipped with an iPhone landed a “scoop that gave AP’s customers something they could get nowhere else”:

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Posted in Announcements

Three new deputy bureau chiefs in Washington

, by Lauren Easton

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced three key appointments: editors J. David Ake, Kathleen Hennessey and Elizabeth Kennedy are the new deputy Washington bureau chiefs, leading AP’s coverage of the U.S. government and American politics.

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Posted in Behind the News

‘Fishing for photos’ in Northwest Passage

, by Lauren Easton

Aboard an icebreaker sailing through the Arctic Circle’s Northwest Passage, AP photographer David Goldman captured striking images of the jagged icescape left behind.

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