Topic: “Vote count”

Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the election: Why this year is different

, by Lauren Easton

The coronavirus pandemic means more Americans than ever before will cast their ballots ahead of Election Day. Deputy Managing Editor for Operations David Scott, who oversees AP’s race calling, explains how this may affect when we will know who won the 2020 U.S. presidential election:

Posted in Behind the News

AP’s top editor: It’s our role to factually report election results

, by Patrick Maks

In an interview Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Executive Editor Sally Buzbee explained why the public can trust The Associated Press to accurately deliver the results of the U.S. presidential election in November. 

Posted in Behind the News

Counting votes, declaring winners amid global pandemic

, by Lauren Easton

Every major election night at The Associated Press requires staff from across the news cooperative to come together to tell the story of who won, and why. Three U.S. states plan to move ahead today with presidential primary elections amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and that means there will be votes to count and races to call.

Posted in Industry Insights

Beyond exit polls: A new way to survey voters

, by Lauren Easton

In its search for new ways to survey a changing electorate, AP continued its experiments aimed at evolving the traditional, in-person exit poll in 2017, testing a new approach aimed at reaching both those who vote in person on Election Day and the increasing number of voters who cast ballots early -- roughly 40 percent in 2016.  

Posted in Behind the News

Calling the presidential race state by state

, by Lauren Easton

At 2:29 a.m. ET on Wednesday, The Associated Press called the race for Donald Trump in a Flash, reserved for news alerts of the highest importance.

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