Topic: “AP Standards”

Posted in Behind the News

Using ‘liberated’ in Ukraine

, by John Daniszewski

The recent recapturing of territory from the Russians in the Kharkiv region by the Ukrainian armed forces has raised a question: Should AP use the term “liberated” for these towns and villages?

Posted in Behind the News

How we will identify Kamala Harris

, by John Daniszewski

The choice of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., to join Joe Biden on their party’s presidential ticket to run against Donald Trump and Mike Pence was historic in many senses.

Posted in Announcements

Why we will lowercase white

, by John Daniszewski

AP style will continue to lowercase the term white in racial, ethnic and cultural senses. This decision follows our move last month to capitalize Black in such uses. We consulted with a wide group of people internally and externally around the globe and considered a variety of commentary in making these decisions.

Posted in Behind the News

Why we quoted the president’s vulgarity

, by John Daniszewski

President Donald Trump’s comment yesterday referring to “shithole” countries sparked discussion and reflection in our Washington and New York newsrooms, and around the world, as to when to use expletives and vulgar language in our news report.

Posted in Behind the News

Is it sexual harassment or misconduct?

, by John Daniszewski

With the raft of accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men showing no signs of abating, here are some guidelines that may prove useful.

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