Posted in Behind the News

Document dig uncovers government awareness of lead-tainted soil

, by Paul Colford

In a memo to staff, Vice President for U.S. News Brian Carovillano recounted how two reporters were able to show “decades of neglect” that had allowed the residents of one industrial town, including 700 children, to be exposed to lead:

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Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the ‘Politics of pain’

, by Lauren Easton

During an especially intense news period, marked by a bomb blast in Manhattan and a subsequent manhunt in New Jersey, an investigation into the politics behind America’s opioid epidemic still received the attention it deserved.

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Posted in Industry Insights

What AP learned about using online surveys to measure support for presidential candidates

, by Lauren Easton

After commissioning an experiment designed to test new ways to survey voters who cast ballots early, AP updates its findings, using new breakdowns of advance and Election Day voting in the Florida primary.

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Posted in Announcements

AP statement on inspector general report

, by Paul Colford

Vice President and Director of Media Relations Paul Colford issued this statement in response to a report by the inspector general in the U.S. Department of Justice that found the FBI did not violate policies in place in 2007 when it impersonated an AP journalist:

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Posted in Announcements

AP photos of presidential campaigns go on view in Virginia

, by Lauren Easton

An exhibition of AP photos showing presidential campaigns over the past 100 years, including Calvin Coolidge clad in cowboy attire and John F. Kennedy covered in confetti as his car crawls through Los Angeles, has opened in Virginia at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts.

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