Posted in Behind the News

Writing about the 'alt-right'

, by John Daniszewski

Recent developments have put the so-called "alt-right" movement in the news. They highlight the need for clarity around use of the term and around some related terms, such as "white nationalism" and "white supremacism."

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Posted in Industry Insights

Renewing vows to the 'might of journalism'

, by Lauren Easton

As AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll accepted the 2016 Front Page Award for Lifetime Achievement in New York on Thursday night, she challenged fellow journalists to reaffirm their commitment to transparency, accountability and press freedom.

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Posted in Behind the News

Calling the presidential race state by state

, by Lauren Easton

At 2:29 a.m. ET on Wednesday, The Associated Press called the race for Donald Trump in a Flash, reserved for news alerts of the highest importance.

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Posted in Behind the News

Decision 2016: Calling the winners

, by Lauren Easton

With a history of calling election winners quickly and accurately for its member news organizations and customers in the U.S. and around the world, AP is poised to again do so on Nov. 8.

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Posted in Behind the News

Decision 2016: It's 'about the voters'

, by Lauren Easton

With less than a week to go until Election Day, AP’s political team will be focusing not only on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but also on the voters who are deciding which candidate will become the next U.S. president.

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