Posted in Behind the News

Stirring the sauce for a spicy story

, by Erin Madigan White

In a memo to AP staff, Managing Editor for U.S. News Brian Carovillano explains how a saucy story that questioned a politician’s charitable claims generated wide interest in New England:

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Posted in Announcements

On the killing of James Foley, journalist

, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press is outraged by the killing of James Foley and condemns the taking of any journalist’s life. We believe those who kill journalists or hold them hostage should be brought to justice.

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Posted in Announcements

‘Our work becomes more important but also more dangerous’

, by Paul Colford

AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt addressed the company's global staff following a tragic event Wednesday in Gaza:

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Posted in Behind the News

How one Cuba scoop led to another

, by Erin Madigan White

In a memo to staff, Senior Managing Editor Michael Oreskes hails the AP reporting team from around the world who worked together to break an important story about the U.S. government’s secret activities in Cuba:

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Posted in Behind the News

How AP tapped its global resources to chronicle passengers’ final hours

, by Erin Madigan White

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down, major news organizations across the world rushed out profiles of the victims. In a memo to staff, Senior Managing Editor Michael Oreskes explores why one AP story resonated around the world:

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