Posted in Announcements

More great saves by AP staffers

, by Tom Kent

Every few weeks we distribute to the AP staff examples of great saves by our staffers who protected us from hoaxes and inaccuracies. Here are some of the latest:

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Posted in Behind the News

Q&A: AP Food Editor J.M. Hirsch

, by Erin Madigan White

As food editor, J.M. Hirsch keeps The Associated Press’ global coverage of cooking and eating relevant, accessible and authoritative. He’s also the expert behind the popular food chapter of the AP Stylebook. Here, he explains what coverage AP served up to Lifestyles subscribers for the holidays and what to watch for in the new year.

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Posted in Announcements

New AP tool helps journalists manage data

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press’ data team and developers from civic technology company DataMade have created a new tool to make it easier for journalists to add context to a data set. Here, AP Editor for Interactive Technology Troy Thibodeaux, who conceived and launched the tool called Geomancer, explains its potential:

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Posted in Behind the News

A scoop that surprised the experts

, by Erin Madigan White

The following memo to AP staff from Senior Managing Editor Mike Oreskes describes how an environmental exclusive came together through the reporting of a European correspondent, joined by AP colleagues in Asia:

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Posted in Behind the News

Editorials criticize FBI’s impersonation

, by Paul Colford

The FBI's recent admission that it fabricated an Associated Press story and impersonated an AP reporter during an investigation of bomb threats in the Seattle area continues to generate criticism of the agency's actions.

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