Posted in Behind the News

Reporter’s investigation exposes abuse of migrant children

, by Lauren Easton

National investigative reporter Garance Burke revealed this week that more than two dozen migrant children were abused or neglected in American homes since the federal government relaxed procedures for vetting those wanting to take in unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border.

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Posted in Announcements

News leaders to Kerry: Free Jason Rezaian

, by Paul Colford

Kathleen Carroll, senior vice president and executive editor of The Associated Press, has joined with other heads of news organizations in signing a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry calling on him to press his efforts to win the release of Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian, jailed in Iran.

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Posted in Behind the News

How to describe those who seized wildlife refuge

, by Tom Kent

We’ve had several inquiries about the terms we use to describe the people who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

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Posted in Behind the News

Uranium in private wells? Reporters dig for answers

, by Lauren Easton

A year ago, the U.S. Geological Survey released a study saying one out of four private wells in California’s eastern San Joaquin Valley, in the country’s richest farming region, had dangerous levels of uranium.

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporter provides rare view inside Coke

, by Paul Colford

One top AP editor said the story "sent dominoes tumbling in all directions."

Business reporter Candice Choi obtained stunning emails that showed Coca-Cola Co. was a guiding force behind a nonprofit group founded to fight obesity. "Coke helped pick the group's leaders, edited its mission statement and suggested articles and videos for its website," Choi wrote.

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