Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools revealed segregation in US charter schools

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Deputy Managing Editor Sarah Nordgren described how an AP analysis of charter school enrollment data allowed member news organizations to zero in on segregation in their states:

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Posted in Behind the News

Is it sexual harassment or misconduct?

, by John Daniszewski

With the raft of accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men showing no signs of abating, here are some guidelines that may prove useful.

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Posted in Behind the News

How I got that Mnuchin photo

, by Lauren Easton

During a routine press event at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington on Wednesday, AP photographer Jacquelyn Martin captured a striking image of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife holding a sheet of $1 bills that had people talking.

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Posted in Behind the News

Spotlight on ‘Reporters reporting’

, by Lauren Easton

A new Associated Press Instagram account features AP journalists in the field, shooting photos and video and reporting news stories across the globe.  

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal anatomy of Russian hack

, by Lauren Easton

After hackers exposed 50,000 emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in 2016, a team of AP journalists traced the digital footprints that led from his account and others back to Moscow.

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